Offerte Scratch coding for kids: have fun with computer coding, creating awesome projects, animations and simulations. with this guide you will be able to create your games in few days and master scratch

Photo Gallery scratch coding for kids: have fun with computer coding, creating awesome projects, animations and simulations. with this guide you will be able to create your games in few days and master scratch Prezzo:12,88 
Marca:Independently published
Categoria:Programmazione per bambini
Autore:Christian Morrison
N. Pagine:157 pagine
Data pubbl.:2020-09-21T00:00:01Z
Recensioni:Leggi opinioni su scratch coding for kids have fun with computer

Quale scegliere tra i prodotti: Programmazione per bambini Independently published?

Programmazione per bambini, Computer e tecnologia per bambini, Libri per bambini, Libri, Programmazione, Informatica, Web e Digital Media, Programmazione per ragazzi, Informatica per ragazzi, Adolescenti e ragazzi, Libri in inglese, Featured Categories, Libri in altre lingue, Regular Stores, 473ad6e2-bc18-439b-b9c5-bb4af119f847_4001, 473ad6e2-bc18-439b-b9c5-bb4af119f847_0, Special Features Stores, Self Service, Arborist Merchandising Root, Content Stores, 473ad6e2-bc18-439b-b9c5-bb4af119f847_7501, Foreign (all), 473ad6e2-bc18-439b-b9c5-bb4af119f847_5101, Kit per scratch art per bambini, Attività creative, Giochi e giocattoli

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